Our mission is to invite and lead people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ. It is important for us to create environments where people can engage with the gospel of Jesus from right where they are, and take steps forward in their relationship with Him. Based on where a person is in their faith, we want to help them connect to the appropriate group setting. For someone who is new to faith or exploring, that could be Interest Groups, Starting Point, or Short-Term Groups. For someone who is seeking to go deeper in their faith, that could be Rooted, Community Groups, or Growth Groups. For those who are more fully engaged with our mission, there are leadership opportunities to help create group environments for others to experience.

Interest Groups
Primary Audience: Someone new to church; New in town; Not committed to church attendance
Keywords: Low Commitment, Low Intensity, Relational Connection, Pre-existing Interest, Meet People
Occurrence: 3-10 weeks; Throughout the Year
Interest Groups are groups that form seasonally around a common interest or activity (ie. running, softball, hiking, cycling, motorcycles, etc…). These groups are short-term in nature (3-10 weeks) and focus more on relational connection than spiritual growth. They are designed as an early step toward following Jesus more closely. Interest Groups also provide some entry level leadership opportunities for volunteers.
Starting Point
Primary Audience: Someone who is curious about faith but not necessarily committed to church; Someone who is recently committed to faith and seeking guidance; Someone returning to faith (or church) after many years away
Keywords: Safe, Questions, Conversations, First Rung, Small Group, On Campus
Occurrence: 5 weeks; March, August, and November
Starting Point is a conversational environment where people can explore faith and experience community. Starting Point groups are a safe place for people with questions about faith as well as those who want to learn about the Bible and Christianity. Groups meet for 5 weeks and explore the Bible’s story while helping one another find their place in it.
Short-Term Groups
Primary Audience: Someone who started attending Journey in-between Group Formation Seasons; Someone who wants to experience what Journey community is like before making a long-term commitment; Someone looking to engage in community while they are waiting to join their next Community Group
Keywords: Taste of Community, Low Commitment, Relational Connection, On Campus, Spiritual Growth, Felt Need, Meet People
Occurrence: 3-6 weeks; April & July
Short-Term Groups are like Community Groups, but meet weekly for a short term (3-6 weeks) at the Journey campus to explore one topic. They are meant to provide a glimpse into what our long-term Community Groups are like. In a Short-Term Group, those who attend will interact with the same people each week to connect relationally while also growing spiritually by discussing the topic and serving the community together.
Primary Audience: Someone looking to grow deeper in their faith; Someone looking to join a Community Group; Someone looking to increase their impact in the world
Keywords: Discipleship, Engagement, Relational Connection, Higher Commitment, Community, Spiritual Growth
Occurrence: 11 weeks; February-April, October-December
Rooted is an 11-week catalytic experience that will jump start or deepen a person’s faith and their impact in the world. We’ve made Rooted the front door to our Community Groups environment, meaning each new one that forms will start first with Rooted. We believe Rooted is the best way for a new group to begin to connect relationally in order to grow spiritually. The Rooted experience will deepen your connection with God, His church, and your purpose in God’s epic story. Together, in a group of 10-15 people from all walks of life, you’ll explore the Bible, engage in prayer and serve experiences, share stories, and practice rhythms essential to a healthy spiritual life. We will provide you with a facilitator who is trained to come alongside your group to help you get the most out of the experience.
Community Groups
Primary Audience: Someone looking to establish “their people”; Someone searching for consistency; Someone looking to engage more intentionally with their growing relationship with Jesus
Keywords: Relationship, Spiritual Growth, Sustained Environment, Belonging, Community
Occurrence: 12-24 months
Community Groups are small groups of adults that meet weekly in homes for 12-24 months for connection and spiritual growth. Community Groups are the ideal environment for groups to continue together in the discipleship rhythms experienced in Rooted. We believe that life is better when connected and spiritual growth occurs best within the context of community. Community Groups are a place where friends can become like family.
Growth Groups
Primary Audience: Someone committed to follow Jesus to become all the He leads them to be; Someone interested in disciple making, Someone who has recently completed the Rooted and Community Group experience
Keywords: Disciple Making, Leadership, Spiritual Growth, Influence with Outsiders
Occurrence: 9 months; February-October & October-June
Growth Groups are designed for those who have recently experienced Rooted within 24 months of the current Group Formation Season. Now, individuals have an option for a new or continued group experience which will be a 9-month intentional focus on using our lives to help others experience Jesus. Growth Groups will not restart with Rooted but launch (or relaunch) with Life In Rhythm – A 10-week curriculum designed to empower individuals to establish healthy rhythms of discipleship and live out God’s design in the two spheres in which we spend most of our time—work and family. Groups will continue on in the remaining months using a curated list of books and studies to be challenged to grow into disciple-makers. Growth Groups wrap up with a collective celebration with all of the graduating Growth Groups of the season. Our hope is to see Growth Groups inspire and produce future leaders for our various ministry environments.
Primary Audience: Someone who wants to serve; Someone who wants to help create environments for others to experience Jesus; Someone who wants to grow in their faith; Someone who wants to join an incredible team and increase their impact in the world
Keywords: Leadership, Serving, Impact, Influence, Team, Disciple Making
Occurrence: Seasonal Intervals based on Group Environment
In order for us to continue to create irresistible group environments where people can come as they are, connect, and grow, it is necessary for us to continuously be moving forward in the development of volunteer leaders. Our leadership model is designed for non-experts to take steps forward in their own faith through service. New leaders are partnered with more experienced leaders to learn and grow along the way. All groups are co-led by 2-4 volunteers. All leaders are a part of a larger team of GroupLife leaders who glean from one another in such things as best practices, shared wins, and encouragement. In addition, every leader is assigned a staff coach. For more information about leadership, email [email protected].